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Current Membership Rates - 2013
You may attend unlimited instructor-led workouts each month. You can pay for one month at a time by selecting your plan and clicking on the Pay Now button or setup a monthly autopay by clicking the Subscribe button.
CrossFit Kids
New groups start each month for kids ages, 10 to 14, on Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30pm.
CrossFit Kids Program - Monthly |

2012 RENEWAL Rate - Unlimited Membership - One Month
These rates apply only if you were a member prior to 3/4/2013 and have not had any lapse in Membership.
You may attend unlimited instructor-led workouts each month. You can pay for one month at a time by selecting your plan and clicking on the Pay Now button or setup a monthly autopay by clicking the Subscribe button.
2010 Member Renewals
If you were an active member as of 12/31/10 you are locked into 2010 rates as long as you continue your membership without having any lapse in membership. You can pay for one month at a time by selecting your plan and clicking on the Pay Now button. If your membership has lapsed and you are returning, please use the current 2013 membership rates posted above.
2010 Member Renewals - Automatic Payment